Animal Attack & Dog Bite Accident Lawyers
Best Florida Injury Lawyers

Liability for a Dog Attack in Florida
Under Florida Law, a pet owner is “Strictly Liable” for any harm the animal causes.
What this means is that under Florida law an animal owner can be held liable for a dog’s bite even if the dog had never bitten before and the owner had no reason to know that the dog would bite. However, any negligence on the part of the person bitten that is the proximate cause of the biting incident will reduce the fault/liability of the owner of the dog by the percentage that the bitten person’s negligence contributed to the biting incident.
However, if the owner at the time of the incident had displayed in a prominent place on his/her property a, sign easily readable including the words “Bad Dog” the owner would not be liable unless the damages are proximately caused by a negligent act or omission of the owner. Unlike a premises liability case, an owner may be responsible even though a warning was provided. Protection of liability is not applicable to a situation when the person bit is under the age of six.
The doctrine of “Strict Liability” applies not only to dog bites but other animals. It applies to any animal whether domesticated or not. For example, if a horse runs out onto the roadway and causes an accident, the owner is strictly liable for any damage the horse causes, even if the owner was not aware that the animal was loose. You are entitled to collect damages from the owner of the animal if you were injured as a result of attempting to flee from the animal even though you were not physically touched.
If you have been injured as a result of an animal attack, it is very important that a thorough investigation of the accident and all the facts surrounding it be conducted as soon as possible.
The Perez-Gurri Law Firm will handle all aspects of your injury case. We will explain Florida’s “Strict Liability” law to you and how it affects your case.
What to Do After an Animal Attack / Dog Bite:
Take photographs of the animal involved
Take photographs of all visible injuries
Report Accident to the Police

Do not speak to anyone but your attorney
Obtain the name and phone number of all witnesses
Obtain immediate medical attention
The Perez-Gurri Law Firm will handle all aspects of your injury case. We will explain Florida’s “Strict Liability” law to you and how it affects your case.
What Damages Can I Recover If I Am a Victim of a Dog Bite?
-Payment of medical bills
-Payment of lost wages
-Payment of lost services
-Payment for loss of earning capacity
-Payment for physical pain and suffering
-Payment for emotional pain and suffering