Motorcycle Lawyers
Find out how an Injury Lawyer can help you
The number of South Floridian’s who use motorcycles to commute is increasing daily resulting in an ever-rising number of motorcycle related accidents.
Florida law has very specific laws governing the operation of motorcycles.
All motorcycles are entitled to the full use of a lane and no motor vehicle shall be driven in such a manner as to deprive any motorcycle the full use of a lane. A motorcycle operator must obey the strict laws governing the passing of a motor vehicle. The
motorcyclist shall not overtake and pass a motor vehicle in the same lane occupied by the vehicle being overtaken. The operator of the motorcycle shall not operate his/her motorcycle between lanes of traffic or between adjacent lines or rows of vehicles. Motorcycles shall not be operated more than two abreast in a single lane.
All motorcycles are required to have a license tag, which shall not be concealed or obscured from view.
The Florida law prohibits the carrying of any package, bundle, etc., that prevents the operator from keeping both hands on the handlebars.
Florida law further provides for an age restriction on the operation of a motorcycle, depending on the cubic inch displacement of the motor.
How can a Miami Motorcycle Accident Attorney help you?
If you or someone you care about was recently involved in a motorcycle accident, it is very important that a thorough investigation of the accident and all the facts surrounding it be conducted as soon as possible. If not, the evidence can be lost and/or destroyed. Having evidence and legal representation can make all the difference in your ability to receive fair and adequate compensation for your damages.
The Perez-Gurri Law Firm will handle all aspects of your motorcycle accident case. The law governing motorcycle accidents is different from automobile accidents. We will explain the law to you and how it affects your case. You should consult with an attorney who can advise you of your rights and the potential value of your damages.

What to do after a Motorcycle Accident:
Take photographs of all motorcycles and vehicles involved
Take photographs of all visible injuries
Report Accident to the Police

Do not speak to anyone but your attorney
Obtain the name and phone number of all witnesses
Obtain immediate medical attention

You should consult with an attorney who can advise you of your rights and the potential value of your damages. It is very likely that an insurance company adjuster or investigator will attempt to contact you and obtain your statement before you have had an opportunity to speak with an attorney. It is always recommended that you speak to a motorcycle accident lawyer before you speak with a representative from an insurance company.
What you may be entitled to receive, including but not limited to:
-Payment of medical bills
-Payment of lost wages
-Payment of lost services
-Payment for loss of earning capacity
-Payment for physical pain and suffering
-Payment for emotional pain and suffering
-Payment for property damage