Halloween is often a fun and joyous time for families. It is a time of the year when children dress up as their favorite superhero or character and go trick-or-treating. However, trick-or-treating can be a dangerous time for children, especially if they are unsupervised.
Cars Pose a Danger to Children While Trick-Or-Treating
Tragically, this past Halloween, a bus struck and killed a Lake Wales, Florida toddler who was out trick-or-treating for the first time. The two-year old, who dressed in a Captain America costume, got out of his stroller and ran toward his grandmother, who was on the other side of the street. The accident occurred along a busy stretch of U.S. Route 27 in Lake Wales, Florida.
While pushing the boy in the stroller across the street, the boy’s chaperone apparently dropped his cell phone and told the children to stop while he retrieved it. The boy then got out of the stroller and ran to meet his grandmother on the other side of the street. A bus carrying citrus workers struck and killed the child instantly. The police called the incident a “terrible tragedy,” and no charges are expected. The bus driver apparently had not been speeding and had told the police that she never saw the boy running into the street.
Accidents involving children out trick-or-treating occur each year throughout the country. Three children out trick-or-treating were tragically killed in a hit-and-run accident involving a SUV. The children, wearing black leggings and dark clothing, were hit by a car while they were standing at a crosswalk.
In another car accident during Halloween, five teenagers died after a 16-year-old boy crashed his BMW into a guardrail. The car burst into flames and rolled down an embankment. The children were heading home following a Halloween-themed event. Police believe that speeding may have contributed to the crash.
Contact a Miami Car Accident Attorney Today
If you or a family member have been involved in a car accident, a Miami car accident attorney can help protect your rights. You may be able to recover compensation for injuries caused by another driver’s negligent or reckless conduct. Possible damages you may be able to recover include payment for medical bills, lost wages and earning capacity, and physical and emotional pain and suffering.
The Perez-Gurri Law Firm will fight for your rights to ensure that you recover the compensation you deserve. The Perez-Gurri Law Firm will be there for you throughout the entire process.
Contact a Miami car accident attorney at the Perez-Gurri Law Firm to find out how we can help you. We offer a free initial consultation and case evaluation. Call us today at 305.661.1200 or visit our office at 5915 Ponce de Leon Boulevard, Suite 12 Coral Gables, Florida 33146.